What Just Happened at The ICJ – South Africa vs. Israel

Irshaad Sedick


Channel: Irshaad Sedick

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The ICJ has affirmed their stance of South Africa over a claim and have evidence of a previous trial. They have given specifications to the Israeli government on how to measure actions of Israeli leaders. The importance of staying up-to-date on the state of the OMA and protesting for justice is emphasized. The trial is a step towards ending the cycle of malice and ending the cycle of malice.

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Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah sallAllahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi. woman to be standing in line.

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Data felt like it might be

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useful, since I mentioned something in Joomla. But it didn't quite clearly come across because of the audio issues that stream yard was having. And Be that as it may. So we witness now the the ICJ coming back and speaking about the findings so far. So I thought, you know, there's some confusion around this for people. And people don't really know how to take what we just witnessed. And they are some things that we could perhaps get some further clarity on from, you know, the more affluent in terms of law. However, one thing we did know, was that we were going to, we were going to face a long, long yearning if the court approves of this case. So that's what we actually had today. We

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didn't hear the ruling of whether this was a genocide or not. What we heard was the ICJ coming back to tell us did they find that they are actually within the jurisdiction to rule over this claim of South Africa, this case of South Africa, which they came back with and said, Absolutely, yes, it is, within their jurisdiction, that South Africa have a standing Yes, South Africa has a standing they have all the right to bring this case forth. They in is already a victory. Because now what they've told Israel basically, is that, listen, you guys claim that, you know, we must throw this case out, and you mustn't listen to them. But your claim is baseless. So we will listen to them.

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Then they went on to explain that they have prima facie evidence. That means from you know, ostensibly looking at everything that has occurred, this could well be a genocide, that they can't declare a genocide yet, based on the courts procedures, they actually have to listen to the evidence. So you're in again, is the second victory because Subhanallah

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Israel will have to sit there, and the world will have to sit there and everyone will have to watch South Africa presenting evidence against Israel that they have committed a genocide. In other words, we're going to have possibly, hopefully not but possibly years, to speak truth to power, the prophets or Salam said that the best form of jihad is Kalama to happen and Soto Ninja is it speaking a true word to an oppressive tyrannical ruler. So it may not be what you expected. But believe me that in that is a victory that I was actually quite surprised by bearing in mind that

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the the judges, we know that some of them have the country's at least have biases. We know that for the fact we knew that is an Israeli ad hoc judge on board. We didn't expect Uganda and the judge to be as pro Israel as they were voting against all the measures. But what we also what we also thought was that look, the leader of this pack, is an American. So we in I didn't, I did not think too optimistically about what the potential is today, I thought that they could well throw out the case and say, well,

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that's not our business. And they could have been completely biased. I was hopeful that they wouldn't be in a hungry lab. They were not at least, apparently. So. As far as the judge's voting is concerned, the proportion of those who voted for temporary measures, versus those who voted against in almost all instances was like everybody against one select 15 to one. And this means that even the Israeli judge voted for some of the temporary measures, whereas the Ugandan judge just voted against all the temporary measures. The court also stated that they have given

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they've given specifications as to what are these impurity measures? They didn't specifically say it's a ceasefire, but some of the things that they said, it's kind of ambiguous to me, because they're saying that there must be no harm, there must be no killing of the population, they must put in measures to ensure that they are not harming the civilian, etc. And they have one month within which they must report back on that.

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So I'm not too clear on exactly what that means, but it's not an all out ceasefire, and they said that they are not obliged to follow the temporary measures that were suggested or that were put forward or requested by South Africa that

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They could have pursued their own temporary measures. So Be that as it may, they decided to pursue these temporary measures. So again, they could have stated, you know, we're not going to ask for anything put in images, we want to first figure out whether this is a genocide or not. Now, the reason why they did not do that is, you know, the whole basis of this thing is, if there's a genocide taking place, we can sit in court for years, and try to determine that it's a genocide, legally speaking, while the genocide is actually happening, we have to put certain measures in place. So their measures was essentially, you have to take precautions, not precautions, you have to

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take measures against genocide, you have to provide aid and the like. So they've given a list of measures now, in that we need to speak to our legal experts. I'm going to speak to advocate Anwar Albertus again, if I can manage to, if not, I'll try to find somebody else, just to figure out exactly what these measures entail. And what can we expect as far as implementation is concerned? Because the ICJ has no, they've got no authority to force Israel to do anything. The rulings are binding, but the force or the Enforcer is supposed to be the UN Security Council. Now Allah Allah knows what the UN Security Council is going to do. Because you know, that we America just vetoes

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everything, veto this veto that SLM It's my new favorite word, if people start giving their opinions, and I just I veto that, as if to say, you know, you can do anything you want. So we'll see what happens. But as far as this case is concerned, is that I will be made to sit in the court, the representatives and the world will watch. And South Africa, once again, speaks truth to power for how long Allah Allah knows. But this means that now we're getting to the actual court case where one by one evidence will be brought forward and analyzed. And there will be witness accounts. And I don't know the extent of how similar this type of code runs to a, you know, traditional criminal

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court. But it's going to be speaking truth to power. Do I believe that this is a victory for South Africa, it is a victory for South Africa. It is a victory for us. It is a victory for Palestine, not the type of victory that we would love to see right now. What you would love to see right now is a complete ceasefire and into the upper data and into the occupation. We would like to see that reparations be made to the Palestinian people, we would like to see a complete removal of the illegal occupation of Palestine. That's what we would like to see.

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But I would like to remind myself in yourself about the fact that when the prophets I sent him was in the trenches. And it appeared to be you know, the, the believers were at the lowest state the hunt duck.

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And they came across some stones. These are reports that are attributed in the Sierra and he came across some rocks that nobody could remove or destroy. At the Prophet dataset, Islam he took the sledgehammer or the the big axe, whatever you want to call it, the tool, and he knocked, and he saw some sparks fly. And in that moment, he reminded the Sahaba we told the Sahaba that I see the castles of Persia I see the castles in Damascus, I see these huge empires being conquered by the Muslims, Islam speeding the you can imagine at that time, the moon Alfie Kohn, especially, we're thinking like what are they talking about? They like you're in the trenches trying to defend the

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city against the Allies coming from the outside. And they talking about conquering the empires of the world. How is this? How is this you know, even sanity? The prophets, I said and didn't see those conquests. But he struck that rock and he remained optimistic. He took the the, the mission of building the conduct of digging that trench even though it wasn't something that he was divinely instructed with, nor was it something that the items were used to sell manual fires, he brought the suggestion and he followed suit Salalah nslm When the Treaty of de Bie took place, the Sahaba saw that as a loss like a StuffIt Allah, how could we possibly agree to these terms, and if we don't

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have the time to get into the details, but the Sahaba especially say now, Omar Abdullah, and they felt as though this was a loss,

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because we just agreed to terms that puts us on the backfoot. But Allah refers to that occasion as a Fatima bean and manifest victory. And Allah of course, knew that following that

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occasion, that declaration would break the rules of the treaty, and for tomoka would then take place in the APA after the Hegira

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And they after between Fatone, Makkah. And the passing away of the prophets, I said, and more people embraced Islam in that period than in the entire period before that in the Sierra. So while we all witnessed, or other those around the Prophet Ellis that some witnessed what they described as a loss, the prophet Elissa to a Salam, to quit as a victory, and every victory is celebrated as such, even though it may have seemed far fetched for everyone else, I would like to advise myself to think about this in the same way, bearing in mind that true justice is only the justice of Allah, through justice is not going to die, they can rule genocide, they can rule. These people are war criminals

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at the ICC, for example. And they can even incarcerate them, what they are doing, what they have been doing and what they continue to do. That type of justice can never be served in this world. That type of justice they handle or they're going to, they're going to meet the justice on the day they meet Allah. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't pursue whatever justice this worldly Coates has to offer, we should do everything in our power to stop what is taking place. So that is my comments about what took place early on. It is a victory. It is a victory. It may not not it may not it certainly is not the type of victory that we were hoping for. Some people actually thought that

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today the goat was supposed to say it's a genocide, stop the seas, stop the war ceasefire. Now, that was never going to be the case. This was just the report back on the temporary measures the the measures that need to, you know, that need to be put into place so that the genocide isn't committed, while the court will hear the case of South Africa against Israel as to whether this is a genocide or not. Israel wanted the case to be kicked out of court.

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And that would have meant that they could just carry on and do whatever they want. Now, they have a court order to put measures into place and to report back on those measures within the month. I think it's far too long. I think that that should have been a couple of days. But who am I to comment on that I don't know how these things work. It just feels like it's too little,

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and Israel. Unfortunately for them, unfortunately for all of us, they will have to sit and face the music, they will have to sit and listen to South Africa speak truth to power. And for that, once again, I am going to celebrate that victory and Alhamdulillah because we believe in and Allah who teaches us that if you show gratitude, I will increase you. If you show gratitude, I will increase you that means let us celebrate this as a victory. pray to Allah thank Allah. And step up, do more, do more, play more,

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protest more, boycott more, do what you have been doing and continue. It can be very fatiguing. You know, when when you face this type of thing for more than 100 days between you feel like that just remind yourself of what the people in Gaza and the West Bank must be feeling, at this moment. Play not only for the people of Palestine and hijab, but for the oppressed people of the world. It's a bit of a dark time we're going through, there are always challenges that Alma has been through many challenges, and we will continue to go through many challenges. What's happening in India now is alarming and our eyes need to be we need to sort of keep track of the news because the destruction

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of the Barbary masjid and the building of a of a temple on that Masjid is enough as a crime against Islam. But that is is just the beginning of it. If you understand the history of what took place in India, since 1947, again the product of British imperialism divide and conquer, we they put the Hindus up against the Muslims. And the Hindus fat is now basically starting a process of cleansing India from the Muslims, and building the imagined mythical temple on the site of this Majeed. Now this magic is extremely old. This is like, I think 500 plus years old that they destroyed. They destroyed it a while ago. Now they're building a temple on that site. But there's history as to when

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the the site was closed down, why it was closed down and the various attempts to take over that place. This is happening currently, these genocide in Africa, Congo, these skirmishes happening throughout Africa and in Sudan. We know that this war taking place the as well, UK and the USA, have collectively bombed Yemen because of the actions of the Houthis in the Red Sea where they physically took action.

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To try and dissuade Israel if you can say that, you know by by seizing the ships and causing issues with the economics. This is the time that we're living in. And through that it's imperative that we understand our priorities like coup and fusuma Ali coonara, I must save myself I must save my family from the face of jahannam. I have my own trials and tribulations in my life, my own weaknesses to see to that I should reserve a place in my heart, for the state of the Ummah, we should always reserve a place in our heart for the condition of the Ummah and we should always be aware of the condition of the Ummah throughout the world. Because when Monroe Amin commune Koran, Prophets smcu

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CVC is wrong and injustice among you, that doesn't say a Palestinian injustice, a Palestinian wrong. It says if you see injustice or oppression or wrongdoing around you change it with your hand. If you cannot do that, speak out against it. If you cannot do that, for the very least feel something about it. Because if you don't well then look at the other full Iman as the weakest form of faith. If you don't even feel anything about it, then that's a question mark on your Eman. You just don't care. It's not my problem somewhere else in the world. let somebody else deal with that. Well, I do believe we need to be concerned. And this is not in support of those people who suffer from what

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about ism. This is quite unfortunate that many people they feel like the moment you speak about Palestine.

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What about the cape flats?

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The moment you speak about the cape flats? What about the people in Yemen? Moments speak about the people in Yemen. What about the people in India moment you speak about the people in India? What about the people in Khayelitsha, there's always going to be a water about some other cause that's also significant, as if to say you cannot support the one cause and issue dedicate your life to all of them. So what happens then we just shut down, we just stop caring, because we can't keep up with all of these causes. Now. Today in Joomla, we discussed and I mentioned it again because of the settings at the sound. Reserve a space in your heart for the condition of this OMA while keeping

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your priorities in order. constantly pray for them. It takes nothing to just remember them in your door at least. It's challenging to keep up with the news just have one or two sources and you'll you'll stay up to date to those sources. But it's challenging to keep up with the news. But it's not challenging to keep up with one minute of supplication, one minute of dua, make it time for perhaps after a particular cider, right. And it's a difficult time for us all. As we prepare for the month of Ramadan as we traverse this month of Rajab going forward to the Serrana Mirage commemoration that we traditionally celebrate, to come together for been going through Shaban it's a special time for

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us. But our challenge, our overall trial is look, how do you deal with the state of the OMA at present? What are you going to do about it? Are you going to turn a blind eye, I can't keep up with this, I need to feel a bit better about myself. So I'll just binge watch movies. I don't have time for this because I've got work to do. So I'll just ignore the messages, skip through the videos, not listen to people talking about it. And just um, look, I can't listen to this right now. I can't anymore. Now don't turn a blind eye just to reserve a spot in your heart, just to reserve a spot in your life. Number two, let us be grateful. It has to be grateful for what we have. Because we are so

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blessed Subhanallah if you're listening to this, live or afterwards, be grateful for what you have because of what you know. You can see the taste of other people be grateful. And then number three, therapy in whatever way you can to improve your relationship with Allah for the month of Ramadan and beyond up now, because it's the month of Rajab, and that's what it's for. That's what we that's what we earmark Rajab for. So back to the ICJ case. I'm going to conclude on this note, I don't want to prolong this broadcast.

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I say Al hamdu, lillahi, Rabbil aalameen. For what we've got so far, it's not ideal. It's not the best. It's not exactly what we wanted. But it could have been so much worse. They could have thrown out the case. They could have said, well, you know, we we will not listen to South Africa at all. This is outside of our jurisdiction. I don't know Legally speaking, they wouldn't have been able to make a strong case for that. But the judges, you know, they could have done they could have ruled as they wish they could have ruled according to the country's stances as clearly some of them did, Uganda, Uganda, what is wrong with Uganda? I think I'm done with Uganda coffee,

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and anything else from Uganda? Because, gee

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Nam and then, you know, be appreciative of that. We are going to sit against them in this case in court for the foreseeable future, and we'll make them listen to every horror story.

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that we've been witnessing, and the world will will listen, and the world will watch on. And that truth to power is going to be something that's an Africa of all people of all countries might, however, saying this is look, we have loadshedding. But our model campus appears to work with batteries. So Alhamdulillah we will be the ones to speak truth to power. I think we you know, when people speak about the the soccer team or the rugby team, as if they part of the team in the team we winning. But yes, this is certainly a South African celebration and victory. Because now the cold case is on the fight as commenced, Israel is has been given the first knock.

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Whether you think that it's a knock or not believe me, to them, it's a knock, because they didn't want this to happen. They don't want to be to be answerable to anyone. You know, they don't even want to be answerable to Allah. Most of them don't believe in a God.

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But they will now at least for now be answerable to the court. And we pray that more success comes of this and this is the beginning of the end. In fact, not even the beginning of the end. I think the beginning of the end was in the seventh of October. This is just another huge step. It is a huge step towards the liberation of our people. And evening Allah

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on the day of Kiama, the true iCj you know, the or not even the ICJ, they're just the Court of Justice, the absolute true Court of Justice will take them to task. Be that as it may we continue next time, it Neela Giacomo Hara Soleil is sitting there Mohammed Subhan Allah behind the savannah Colombo behind ignatia To Allah Allah He lent and still futile covenant will be like Santa Monica Rahmatullah.